JAMAICAN LOVE STONE, is a natural product. 100% organic.


This is sap derived from a tree native to JAMAICA and is used to change the level of stimulation in the penis head while enhancing the erection and delaying ejaculation. A unique product made by nature, the most effective all natural remedy for sustaining erections, delaying ejaculation and stopping premature ejaculation (P E).

This small discreet herbal black sap is applied directly to the penis and begins working instantly.  Within 10 -15 minutes the ability to pleasure your partner for hours will be achieved.

One simple application could delay your ejaculation for up to two hours whilst maintaining rock hard erections!

Combat Premature Ejaculation And Gain Harder Erections With The JAMAICAN LOVE STONE

  • The JAMAICAN LOVE STONE is a product in its own league. With a number of different alternatives on the market, the Jamaican Stone definitely sets the pace as being the number one simple solution for combating premature ejaculation instantly. There really is no comparison in ease of use, affordability, and enjoyment when it comes to the JAMAICAN LOVE STONE.

    100% Original And Authentic!

    This amazing product has now limitation on how long it will keep you going, but it will definitely keep you lasting longer. JAMAICAN LOVE STONE is simple and easy to apply and starts to work instantly so that within a matter of minutes you will be ready to sexually perform at your best.
    Ever since the increase in popularity of the JAMAICAN LOVE STONE, Many imitations and retailers claiming to sell the genuine and authentic JAMAICAN LOVE STONE have appeared on the market.  Not only are these web sites selling the fake imitations that have little or no effect at all, but these imitations can also have harmful side effects.

    Last Up To 4 Hours!

    Without doubt JAMAICAN LOVE STONE is a very potent product and is definitely not for the faint hearted.
    If the prospects of lasting up to 4 hours or adding an extra 30 minutes to your current sex session seems daunting or frightening to you, then the JAMAICAN LOVE STONE is not for you.
    With the average female taking at least 20 – 25 mins to reach orgasm and the average man taking only  5 minutes , the possibility of bringing your partner to orgasm with JAMAICAN LOVE STONE can easily be achieved.

    Keep Erections For Longer

    With over 10’s of thousands of JAMAICAN LOVE STONE  pieces sold worldwide, the JAMAICAN LOVE STONE has become a sought after herbal remedy  for sexually active men that hungrily want to increase and maintain their erection and performance in the bedroom.
    With so many pills , potions, delay sprays, creams, gels and imitations on the market, all claiming to  be effective against stopping premature ejaculation, choosing the right solution for you can be very daunting.
    Unlike any other delaying product for men the JAMAICAN LOVE STONE


    Jamaican stone sold here
    Jamaican stone sold here